C-sert to present patented thread repair inserts at Injection Molding and Design Expo

C-sert Manufacturing of Portland, OR will display their line of patented, permanent thread repair inserts at the Injection Molding & Design Expo in Detroit, MI, May 25-26.
For plastics industry applications, C-serts are perfect for injection molding machine platens, where frequent mold changes and production pressures can often lead to stripped threads.
“Anyone who has experienced the frustration of stripped threads and faulty repairs can benefit from C-serts,” said Carl Strom, President of C-sert Manufacturing. “We designed these products to allow users to make their repair just
once, and never have to make it again.”
Designed for heavy industrial applications where failure is unacceptable, C-serts are a permanent thread-repair solution. Fail proof, and guaranteed for life, C-serts hold tight no matter what the load. They are self-tapping, self-guiding,
and made of through-hardened S7 high-impact tool steel. Heavy-duty interference Acme profile threads prevent pull-out and back-out. Standard and metric sizes are available for virtually all repairs of OEM threaded holes.
C-serts won’t pull out of the hole because they are designed as a tap, with threads around the outside diameter, so they cut their way in to form a tight interference fit. No separate tap is needed and C-serts even contain a built-in die to
true up damaged or defective fasteners.
“Our lifetime guarantee is just that, and it covers the entire service life of the users’ equipment,” said Carl Strom, President of C-sert. “It even includes cross-threading and other forms of operator error.”
C-sert will be exhibiting at the Injection Molding and Design Expo 2022.